Bobby Jimenez

What was it like to be part of Microsoft’s biggest cloud product launch and press conference?

Speaking at the press conference launch of Microsoft’s 1st public beta of Office 365 in 2011, alongside Microsoft Global COO Kevin Turner, Jessica Tan MD of Microsoft Singapore and Star Hub COO Tan Tong Hai, we were welcomed in the press with “Why would you put Microsoft Office in the cloud?” Fast forward to 2022 and Office 365 now has 300 Million Paid Subscribers.

It was an incredible experience working with the team at Microsoft on Microsoft Exchange’s transition to the cloud, from its early Alpha nickname, “BPOS” or Business Productivity Online Suite, to the beta, Office 365. The experience was important in my progression as an email deliverability expert as I was exposed to the challenges of cloud email, tightening up security, making sure emails were delivered and of course everything I could ever learn about the challenges and the war of tech companies against spam emails.

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